We recently sent some Envii Foundation to competition grower, Ian Stewart. Here’s what he had to say about his experience with it:
“I remember as a young boy, watching my father tend the plants in the greenhouse and I asked him, “What makes a good gardener?”
He replied, “A plant is like a human, it does not like to be too wet or dry, too hot or cold.”
Looking around, all the plants were glowing with health this year. I have used Envii Foundation and the results brought back memories of those plants that were grown to perfection.
I potted show leeks on from 7inch pots to 12inch deep fill pots. The plants put on so much growth, they were pot bound in 4 weeks! With some of the leftover mix, I potted the tomatoes and they doubled in size in one week.
I am too well known in the North East to recommend anything that isn’t the best. We have the best gardeners in the world here who would put me in my place if I was wrong!
I am looking forward to using Envii, as they are an asset to any gardener that wants the best.”