Seaweed has been used for thousands of years in gardening.
It’s incredibly popular, namely for its ability to help plants grow quicker and stronger. There’s no wonder why seaweed is such a popular fertiliser among gardeners. Through its regulators and hormones, seaweed delivers plant nourishing nitrogen, potassium, phosphate and other trace elements which are essential to improving a plant’s health.
What makes seaweed so special?
Research has shown that plants that are fertilised with seaweed produce more flowers, fruits and even tasted better. But what makes seaweed so special as a fertiliser? A key benefit of seaweed is how it naturally grows in harsh conditions.
The common life cycle of seaweed is being immersed in salt water, dried out and baked on the beach, followed by being soaked in the rain and eventually bathed in salt water again.
That’s a lot for any plant to go through. But thanks to these harsh conditions, seaweed has acquired anti-stress compounds. These are transferred onto plants when seaweed is used as a fertiliser.

Harvesting seaweed
In the past, Seaweed was simply thrown into compost heaps. This was and still is good practice because as simple as it may be, seaweed is high in nitrogen and compost loves nitrogen!
However, despite how much we’d love to recommend this as good practice it’s not that straightforward. Unless you live next to a beach to collect some, it’s difficult to get seaweed. Even if you’re lucky enough to live so close to a beach. And the seaweed on the beach is in your back garden to collect. Unfortunately, there is no public right to do so. And for those who insist on collecting the seaweed, we advise you contact the local council before doing so.
The easiest way to nourish your plants is with a liquid seaweed fertiliser.

Why liquid seaweed?
While fertilisers generally, can be effective in both liquid and solid (granules or powder) form, liquid fertilisers offer faster results. That’s because when you treat plants with liquid fertilisers, the nutrients become easier to consume for plants.
While solid fertiliser first has to break down before plants can access and consume their nutrients, liquid fertiliser is ready to be taken up by plant roots. Furthermore, nutrients in liquid fertilisers can be taken up by plant foliage through foliar applications. So, with liquid seaweed fertilisers, both the nutrients and anti-stress benefits are better adopted.
The Good News
We wouldn’t tell you about the great benefits of Seaweed to leave you empty-handed at the not being able to collect your own! We swear by the power of Seaweed so much that we formulated our very own organic liquid fertiliser from it! Saving you the hassle of collecting tons of seaweed. But not only that, our fertiliser gives you all the benefits of seaweed with that much more…
The Organic Liquid Seaweed Fertiliser
SeaFeed Xtra is an organic seaweed fertiliser that differs from other seaweed fertilisers as it contains higher percentage of seaweed. While most other Seaweed fertilisers only contain between 1-3% Seaweed, ours contains 7%. The higher concentration is why it’s our fertiliser is darker in colour!
SeaFeed Xtra also contains an additional nutrient that helps deliver micronutrients directly to the main arteries of the plant. Meaning it works to improve your plant’s absorption system from the foliage, doing more for your plants than average!

Don’t just take our word for it though…
Richard, one-half of the Two Thirsty Gardeners has used Seafeed Xtra on his Chilli plants with some great results. Check out his full review and see for yourself!

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Envii SeaFeed Xtra
Organic seaweed fertiliser improves plant growth and health.
£12.99 View Product