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Pest Control & Diseases
Having problems with pests and disease in the garden? Pest damage and disease in the garden, if not kept to a minimum, can do some real damage to your plants. Take a look at our articles on how to control and remove pests and diseases.

Blossom End Rot to Blight – Solving Common Tomato Problems
Blossom End Rot to Blight: Solving Common Tomato Problems If you’re a gardener puzzled by the problems plaguing your tomato plants, under... -
The Ultimate Guide to Companion Planting
Companion planting Companion planting, although not backed by science, is a method used in growing that comes with a whole host of benefits. Before di... -
Common Plant Diseases: The Ultimate Gardener’s Guide
Common plant diseases are a consequence of the disruption of a plant’s normal functions due to environmental changes or parasitic attack. They cause... -
8 Common but Questionable Slug Repellents
Discover 8 questionable slug repellents and how we put the most popular methods to the test in our video inspired by the RHS’s 2018 research… ... -
Why Slug Pellets are Dangerous for Pets, Wildlife and Children
What are slug pellets? Are slug pellets dangerous? Slug pellets are small cylindrical ‘bullets’. They contain substances poisonous to slug... -
Why You Should Protect Plants Beneath the Soil
When you think about gardening your own plants, the focus tends to be on tending to the plant above ground. We don’t consider root [&hell... -
Featured Products: Envii Feed & Protect
Featured Products: Envii and Feed & Protect Feed & Protect is a dual function repellent that feeds plants whilst deterring pests. It is 100% s... -
How To Protect Your Waxy Hostas From Slugs & Snails
How to Protect Your Waxy Hostas from Slugs & Snails Hostas are a fantastic addition to add to any garden. With lush, oriental foliage, they [&hell... -
“Sleepless Slugs” are invading British gardens
Last week, BugLife Conservation Charity warned of an invasion of “sleepless slugs” this year. The organisation suggested that 2016 will see an inc... -
Protect Against Slug Damage with Envii Feed and Protect
How Envii Feed and Protect Works to Protect Against Slug Damage Slugs are technically active all year round, your garden is most at risk [&hell... -
How to Win the Fight against Slugs and Snails
How to win the fight against slugs and snails Each year in the world of gardening, slugs and snails make their attack, causing devastation amongst [&h... -
Wildlife Gardening
Month by Month Gardening
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