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Pond Maintenance & Tips
Looking to improve the appearance or health of your pond? From ways to get rid of blanket weed to understanding why your pond isn’t clearing, we’ve got you covered. Take a look at our pond maintenance guides to help make things clearer.

Why Is My Pond Foamy?
If you’ve spotted a mysterious white foam on your pond’s surface and you’re wondering what it is, where it comes from, and whether it po... -
What is pond salt?
What is pond salt? Pond salt is a form of pure evaporated salt, which benefits the overall health of pond fish. There are two ways […]... -
How to Clear Lake Water
Lakes can create a thriving ecosystem in gardens. Filled with an abundance of wildlife and plants, they not only add to the aesthetic of a […]... -
12 Reasons Why Your Pond Isn’t Clearing
Discover 11 common reasons that explain why your pond water isn’t clearing, even after using an Envii pond product. Each followed with a simple ... -
How to Make Your Pond Child Safe
Ponds can be very dangerous for young children to be around unsupervised. There are a few hazards to be aware of. In this guide, we’re […]... -
A Beginners Guide to Pond Filters
Pond filters are essential devices to achieve the perfect water garden system. The purpose of a pond filter is to remove algae and debris… A [&h... -
What is Blanket Weed? And How to Remove It (Video Included)
Blanket weed is a type of algae, scientifically called filamentous algae. It’s also commonly known as string algae or silkweed. Pond owners often st... -
Pond Care: Common Questions Answered
Frequently asked pond care questions answered… How do you work out the volume of water in your pond? You can calculate the volume of water [&hel... -
7 Tips to Prevent Pond Sludge
7 Tips to Prevent Pond Sludge: Number of fish Feeding Fish Filteration Aeration Plant maintenance Leaf and twig collection Benefi... -
Tricks to Prevent Green Pond Water
When you first dreamed up the idea of having the perfect pond, the last thing you would have imagined is for it to resemble something […]... -
A Guide to Natural Ponds
Ponds come in various different forms and serve different purposes by the nature of how they exist. In the most basic form, they are What […]... -
Pond UV Lights: A Beginner’s Guide
What are Pond UV lights? Eco-systems such as ponds require continuous care and maintenance. This ensures that aquatic life (whether it’s ... -
Blanket Weed: The Ultimate Guide
An in-depth guide to blanket weed, detailing the types, characteristics, causes and how to control it. There are over 20,000 species of algae with a [... -
How to Make Tap Water Safe for Fish
First thing’s first, why isn’t it safe? Tap water is fit for human consumption, so why would we question whether it’s suitabl... -
The Ultimate Do’s & Don’ts Guide For Ponds
Ultimate Guide to Pond Upkeep Pond keeping can be a mine field when it comes to knowing what you can and can’t do to achieve […]... -
Autumn Pond Maintenance Tips
The tree leaves have shifted from vibrant green to warm orange and there’s a sudden chill in the air, meaning the autumn season has arrived. [&h... -
How To Get Rid Of Blanket Weed
What Is Blanket Weed? If you have not yet come across this nuisance, congratulations! Blanket weed or long string algae is one of [&hell... -
4 Spring Pond Jobs
Spring will soon be here. So it’s time to start thinking about working on your spring pond jobs. Clearing up after the winter and preparing [&he... -
How To Prepare Your Pond For Winter
Do you need to prepare your pond for winter? Winter pond care is an important aspect of ensuring a healthy aquatic environment for your pond […... -
How To Clean A Pond Without A Filter
All pond owners will understand the beauty and tranquillity a pond adds to an outdoor space. While most pond owners choose to add a pond […]... -
Caring For a Koi Pond In Winter
Back in 2015, we wrote an article for Koi Carp Magazine explaining the impact weather has on a koi pond in winter. Here it is […]... -
6 Tips To Prepare Your Pond For Spring
Spring will soon be here, and you will be wanting to spend more time outdoors. However, before you can enjoy your garden, you probably [&hellip... -
How to Achieve the Best Results from Bacterial Pond Treatments
Cleaning and maintaining a clear pond doesn’t have to be a difficult task, especially when you’re using high-quality bacterial products. ... -
How to reduce pond nitrates
How to reduce pond nitrates Nitrates are the natural by-product of the breakdown of ammonia and nitrites in a pond environment. While a low level [&he... -
Pond Plants
Pond Problems
Pond Water Quality